Knit Your Way to Fabulous Style!

Transform your wardrobe, accessories, and home décor with modern, chic creations that are quick and accessible. No matter your vibe, make it uniquely yours…

Let’s Get Crafty and Stylish!

Ready to quickly elevate your style with the art of modern knitting?

Don’t worry. I’ve got you!

Hi, I’m Knitty Knightly, and I want to help you craft your best self!

As a lifelong crafter, artist, and performer, I understand the desire to create stunning, unique pieces that truly reflect your individuality. We all face challenges in finding the perfect fit or style, especially when our bodies and tastes don’t conform to the mainstream. Whether you’re seeking clothes, costumes, or bespoke touches for your home, I’m here to help you stop searching and start creating. Let’s craft a wardrobe and lifestyle that celebrates who you truly are.