Learn to Knit – Part 1: Basic Knitting Supplies for Beginner Knitters!

Get some advice from an experienced knitter on what basic knitting supplies are best for the beginner!

Cartoon image of Knitty Knightly with her hand on her hip gesturing to the right.

In this video…

Learn what supplies you need to start knitting, where you to get those supplies, and common mistakes new knitters make when buying their first knitting supplies.

Learn to Knit- Part 1: Everything You Need to Start Knitting
Dive into the whimsical world of knitting! Unravel the secrets of essential knitting supplies, savvy shopping tips, and common rookie mistakes, all wrapped up with a touch of drag queen wit.

Introduction: Transitioning into the World of Knitting
Ahoy, dear budding knitter! Are you ready to dive into the cozy, whimsical world of yarns, needles, and endless possibilities? From the allure of DIY projects to finding the therapeutic rhythm in stitching, knitting is undoubtedly an art that’s both delightful and functional. In essence, you’re not just crafting, but rather creating memories with every stitch.

Learning to Knit: What Every Beginner Needs to Know
Diving into The Knitty-Gritty of Knitting Supplies:
Needles: Serving as swords for knights, needles are a knitter’s best weapon. To start, get a pair of straight or circular needles, but not just any size! I recommend sizes 7-9 for beginners.
Yarn: Undoubtedly, the protagonist of our story! Firstly, start with a basic acrylic or cotton yarn. Typically, DK or Worsted weight tends to be easiest for the beginner knitter.
Scissors: Ensure they’re sharp ones! They aren’t just for paper.
Tapestry Needle: Useful for weaving in those loose ends.
Stitch Markers: Ideally, think of these as your knitting bookmarks.
Measuring Tape: In knitting, size does matter.

Places to Score Your Knitting Stash Cheap:
Exploring Local Craft Stores: They often have sales and discounts.
Online Marketplaces: Consider Amazon, eBay, or Etsy (great for artisan dyed yarns). Alternatively, my favorite, Knitpicks!
Yard Sales: Surprisingly, you’d be amazed at the treasures you can find!
Knitting Groups: They often do swap meets. If you’re not sure where to find local knitting groups in your area, check out Ravelry.
Estate Sales: They are occasionally a goldmine of vintage knitting supplies.

Knitting for Beginners
Admittedly, everyone’s been there—awkwardly holding needles, getting tangled in yarn, or just being downright clueless. Basically, it’s a rite of passage. However, with a bit of patience and these handy tips, you’ll be knitting up a storm in no time. First and foremost, stay consistent. Undeniably, practice makes perfect! Secondly, treat yourself to a glass of wine afterward (if you’re of legal drinking age). You’ve earned it!

Common Pitfalls: Examining the Mistakes Newbies Make When Shopping
Being a beginner is fantastic, you get a free pass to make mistakes. Nevertheless, why not sidestep some of the common ones? Try to avoid getting seduced by fancy yarn too soon. Indeed, that mohair-silk blend looks divine, but let’s master the basics first. Additionally, overbuying supplies can burn a hole in your pocket; after all, it’s a hobby, not a hoarding competition! Lastly, never forget the essential knitting notions like stitch markers or tapestry needles. They’re truly small, but mighty!

Deep Dive: Exploring Knitting Basics 101
Embarking on your knitting journey is exhilarating, yet, remember, it’s a marathon, not a sprint. Firstly, start with mastering basic stitches. The knit and purl are the bread and butter of knitting, so get cozy with them. Not sure where to start? Don’t worry, next up get ready for “Learn to Knit Part 2: How to Cast On”. It’s the sequel you didn’t know you needed.

Frequently Asked Questions:
What supplies do I need to start knitting?
To start, you’ll need knitting needles, yarn, a tapestry needle, and scissors. Progressively, as you grow in your knitting journey, you can explore stitch markers, a row counter, and other advanced tools.
Where can I find affordable knitting supplies?
Numerous local craft stores offer budget-friendly options. Simultaneously, online platforms like Etsy, Amazon, and specific knitting websites often have deals and discounts too.
Are there mistakes to avoid when buying knitting supplies?
Absolutely! Beginners often buy the wrong needle size or yarn weight. That’s why it’s essential to research or consult experienced knitters before purchasing.
How long does it take to learn basic knitting?
With consistent practice, most beginners can master the basics in a few weeks. Undoubtedly, practice makes perfect!
Can I learn to knit solely from online tutorials?
Of course! Online resources are a fantastic wealth of knowledge. Nevertheless, joining a local knitting group or workshop can provide hands-on guidance and enrich the learning experience.
What’s the next step after “Learn to Knit- Part 1”?
Once you’ve got your supplies, you can dive into “Learn to Knit Part 2 – How to Cast On”, which subsequently delves deeper into the knitting techniques you’ll need to get started.

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