Learn to Knit – Part 5: How to Switch Between Knits and Purls/How to Bind off

Get the sage (and always stylish) advice of an experienced knitter on how to switch between knits and purls and how to bind off!

Cartoon Knitty Knightly with her hand on her hip, gesturing to the right

In this video…

Learn how to switch between knits and purl stitches in the same row by learning the 1×1 rib stitch, and learn how to safely secure your stitches at the end of a project by binding off.

Welcome back, dear aspiring knitters, to the fabulous fifth installment of “Learn to Knit!” Today’s journey promises to be perfectly tailored for your insatiable knitting appetite. Let’s unravel the yarn and dive right in!

Learn to Knit
Knitting isn’t just a craft; it’s an art, a passion, and for many, it’s specifically a form of meditation and relaxation. From the ancient Egyptians to our grandmothers, this age-old technique has warmed many a heart and toe. And with the evolution of techniques, there’s always something new to grasp, even for the veterans!

Knit Stitch How-To
Ah, the cornerstone of knitting – the knit stitch. While it may appear simple, the foundation of a perfect knit stitch lies in practice and precision. And let’s face it, we’ve all had our share of knit stitch bloopers. From dropped stitches to uneven tension, the journey is riddled with hilarious hiccups. But fret not! With our expert tips and tricks, you’ll be knitting flawlessly in no time.

Knitting for Beginners
Starting out in the vast ocean of knitting? It’s not just about picking up needles and yarn. It’s about understanding the basics, mastering the stitches, and embracing the errors. Equip yourself with the right tools, from circular needles to stitch markers, and you’re already halfway there!

Knit vs Purl
The eternal debate – knit vs purl. Like peanut butter and jelly, these two stitches complement each other perfectly. While the knit stitch is all smooth and suave, the purl is its bumpy, quirky cousin. Recognizing the difference between these stitches is pivotal in your knitting journey.

Purl Stitch How-To
The mysterious purl stitch! Though often overshadowed by its popular counterpart, the knit stitch, mastering the purl is crucial. With our step-by-step guide, you’ll be purling like a pro, and those once-dreaded purl problems will be a thing of the past.

How to Change Knits and Purls
Switching between knits and purls can be a bit of a dance. It’s all about maintaining the rhythm and ensuring your yarn transitions smoothly. With our handy tips, you’ll subsequently be switching stitches with the grace of a ballerina! Check out the video!

1×1 Rib
Ribbing, the stretchy fabric everyone adores! The 1×1 rib, with its alternating knit and purl stitches, is versatile and aesthetically pleasing. Whether it’s for sweater cuffs or cozy beanies, the benefits of 1×1 ribbing are numerous.

Knits and Purls for Beginners
To truly blossom as a knitter, mastering both the knit and purl stitches is non-negotiable. They are the ABCs of knitting, the foundation upon which all patterns are built. With consistent practice and our curated set of exercises, you’ll soon be knitting up a storm!

How to Bind Off in Style
Alright, knitter-extraordinaire, it’s time to bid farewell to those stitches in the most stylish way possible – by learning how to bind off, of course! Firstly, knit two stitches with all the flair of a Broadway star on opening night. Secondly, with a flourish, take the first stitch you made and lift it over the second stitch and off the needle, like a tiny knitwear acrobat performing a death-defying leap.

One stitch down, a million to go! Keep knitting one stitch and repeating your fancy stitch-flipping move until you reach the end of the row: knit one, pass one over, repeat over and over, like you’re the DJ of your own knit club, spinning the best yarn tunes. Don’t get too wild now; you want them off, not unraveled into a hot yarn mess.

As you approach the final stitch, it’s time for the grand finale! Cut the yarn (leaving a tail, don’t get too scissor-happy), pull it through the last stitch, and secure your work. Ta-da! Take a bow, because that’s how you bind off like an absolute knitting pro.

Thank You and Conclusion
And that wraps up “Learn to Knit- Part 5!” A massive shoutout to all our loyal readers and knitting enthusiasts. Don’t want to wait until later for more knitting? As a token of gratitude, we’re introducing the “Pride Squared” pattern, exclusively for you. It’s designed to be the perfect practice pattern for a beginner. Remember, every stitch tells a story, so make yours count!

Is the purl stitch harder than the knit stitch?
For most beginners, the purl stitch may seem a tad trickier than the knit stitch initially. However, with practice, both become equally manageable.
Can I create patterns using only knit stitches?
Absolutely! There are many patterns, like those using the garter stitch, created solely using knit stitches.
What is the importance of 1×1 ribbing?
1×1 ribbing offers elasticity, making it perfect for areas that need flexibility, like cuffs and necklines. When done in the right gauge it also gives the illusion of double-sided stockinette.
Why is my bind off curving/dipping in?
When first learning how to bind off, it’s common for new knitters to over tighten their yarn. This causes your bind off stitches to be too tight and causes your knit fabric to pull in. To help with this, until you’ve mastered your tension I recommend going up a needle size or two for your bind off.

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